Wednesday, 5 December 2012

A Secret History

Atomic Clock Comics was once the home of a huge roster of greats, for years a powerhouse of pop icons in taut Lycra and their outlandish and outré opponents. Sadly, so many of those great characters are locked down in complicated rights-sharing agreements between people who can no longer bear even the others' name to be spoken in their presence. The story of ACC's decline mirrors that of their creations, with internal rifts and rivalries tearing apart friendships and spilling over into ruin, suicide and even attempted murder. All of which makes it unlikely we'll ever see most of their creations in print again, let alone be able to enjoy their continued adventures.

In the meantime however, while certain negotiations are still ongoing which may allow us more leeway, Underfire Comics would like to present you with our own interpretations of some of the classic ACC characters - which we must stress are purely fan-derived works - all from the artist behind the new Goose.

She can control machines with her mind!

Born from Myth!
Billy the Kid

The Power of a Dying Sun!
The Fusion

Sunday, 2 December 2012